The Hottie’s Good at Football

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The Hottie’s Good at FootballThe Hottie’s Good at FootballThe Hottie’s Good at FootballThe Hottie’s Good at FootballThe Hottie’s Good at FootballThe Hottie’s Good at FootballThe Hottie’s Good at FootballThe Hottie’s Good at FootballThe Hottie’s Good at FootballThe Hottie’s Good at FootballThe Hottie’s Good at FootballThe Hottie’s Good at FootballThe Hottie’s Good at FootballThe Hottie’s Good at Football
The Hottie’s Good at Football

The Hottie’s Good at Football

One day, a goddess appeared before Hong Minjun, someone who loved football and worked harder than anyone else to achieve his dream but was falling behind due to his slow growth and shabby looks. “I am the Goddess of Football, tell me your wish.” “Sex.” From that day on, Minjun’s ordinary life changed completely.


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